Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Good Study Habits: Is It Better To Study Alone Or With Other Students?

One of the challenges as a student is studying. Whether it’s managing your time, staying focused for a few hours or finding the right location, everyone struggles. Another factor that comes into play is whether or not you should study with another person.  Here are a few pros and cons. 


As the saying goes, two heads are better than one. One benefit of studying with someone else is if you’re in the same class, you can talk about your notes and ask each other question. Sometimes we process information differently and we may miss things. By discussing the class, you may learn new things or understand the information better.

Sometimes it’s hard to go somewhere alone whether it’s exercising, a party, or shopping, so having another person with you, can act as a motivator. Rather than feeling you have to do something alone, it can either be more fun to share the activity with someone or it makes your more responsible to show up.


While it’s nice to have company, it can occasionally be distracting. Once you start talking, lose you focus or begin laughing, it can be difficult to get back on track. Before you know it, not a lot of studying has been done.

Everyone has different study habits and when people get together, it can be a challenge to meet everyone‘s needs. Does one person like a quiet atmosphere and another wants some background noise? Do you always bring your computer or iPad but your friend prefers a note book? This may cause disagreements when determining a venue to study. You may agree to disagree.

Studying with another student has its benefits and challenges. Determine what works for you and talk to your study buddy about it to get the most out of your experience.

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